
loofa ~harvest time

loofa harvest
Originally uploaded by WeBees
we haven't yet cut the vines but they've been frost bitten. we have harvested about 8 large loofa (between 16-24"). did you know you can eat them when they are small (under 8" or so)? i didn't realize it until i came across the info in another blog and i tried them cooked like zuccini, they are very good! we have been doing all the regular fall cleanup in the yard but i've also planted lettuce, nasturtium, arugula and cilantro for the colder season. we haven't quite had a hard freeze but i expect it will happen while we are away.

we depart tomorrow for Argentina for 10 days so i'll be away but back in mid Nov. with lots of photo's and excitement to share.

1 comment:

cici said...

wow.. great infor. I don't know much about loofa. I looked it up. Thanks. Have a great trip. We will be here, to hear all about your trip when you get back.